Today was a locus classicus - I learned some new words to infuriate the feminists:
- fembot - hardcore female supremacist with a punitive interest in men
- femorrhoid - a female asshole, and a very sore one too
- feminazi - like a fembot but spouts predictable and completely brain-dead verbiage
- feminidiots - total lack of understanding of words
- feminasty - self explanatory
- femcunt - see "femorrhoid" above
- fembitch - fat and hideous version of fembot and/or feminazi
- femitard - retarded and/or stupid feminist
- femislut - self explanatory
Try them and see. You'll enjoy using the old-fashioned phrases, especially since they are so rarely heard these days as to become deadly. For my part, I'm going to try using a word I picked up from the comments section in The Spearhead - "rogure" (to have sex with, a colonial form of the word "roger").
Have fun!